Monday, August 31, 2009

What's been going on?

I know. I'm a horrible blogger. :-p It's been a long time, so I'll try to catch up now and keep up with it this time!

Kristen came to visit before she left for Germany. We spent a lot of time hanging out.

And then we had to say goodbye.

We have spent some time playing outside.

For about the last week we have all been sick! It started with me with the stomach flu. It passed to Matilda, then Tommy, then Camden, and now Amelia. We've all had a different version of it though. I was the sickest, Camden and Matilda only threw up a couple times and then they were fine, and Amelia skipped the stomach part and started running a fever yesterday. She spent most of the day today sleeping...

Thankfully she seems to be doing much better tonight and we are hoping that we can make a trip to Paradise Park tomorrow for some fun while Camden is in school.

I've been busy making nursing covers (Ta-ta Tarps) the last couple days. I have an ad out on Craigs List and I also have a business page for them on Facebook.

Anyway, that's what we've been up to! I promise to try and stay updated more often!

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