Yesterday I turned 33. Kind of strange to say it, because while I don't feel "old" (most days), certain things around me make me feel old. Like how I showed up at school to pick the kids up a couple days ago, and Amelia's teacher was wearing a shirt that I have, only in a different color. My first thought was..."Oh no! I dress like an old lady!" (She really isn't old, just older than me, has kids in high school....and I feel like I should still be dressing like I'm younger!) Or how my brother just turned 19. THAT seems completely unreal to me. Wasn't he just a little kid the other day? And one of the flower girls from my wedding, who I babysat when she was born, is now babysitting my kids. Bizarre.
Anyway, I've decided that instead of making the traditional "New Year's Resolution", this year I'm making some Birthday Resolutions. So year 33 for me will be:
1. I want to get healthy! This will require going to the gym to exercise on a regular basis, eating healthy, and getting out on my bike as much as possible.
2. Along with getting healthy, I want to get "skinny"! Now I'm not talking about being a size 2 and wearing a bikini. Those days have definitely passed for me. :-) I just want to feel good in my clothes and to be able to shop in whatever section of a store I choose, and in whatever store I choose. I'm tired of having to go to the plus size section. Since I joined the KC Slimdown Challenge in July, I've lost about 17 pounds. Still going strong, and my goal for this year is to lose all the weight I've gained over the last 7 years of having babies. I have a long way to go, but I'm choosing to focus not only on how far I have left, but how far I've come. 17 pounds is kind of a big deal. I went to the grocery store the other day and picked up three 5 pound bags of flour. It was heavy. I've lost more than that, and that makes me happy.
3. I want to do a full triathlon all by myself! If you read my previous post, you'll know that I just did a team triathlon on 9/11. We had a swimmer, biker, and runner. I was the biker. I came in dead last. But I finished, and so I feel like I can be proud of that considering I haven't ridden a bike in about 20 years! For the 2nd Annual Jeremy Katzenberger Memorial Triathlon, my goal is to complete the entire triathlon on my own. A 400 yard swim, 11 mile bike ride, and 3.1 mile run. Training starts now.
4. I want my house to be organized! I say this all the time and then I go and buy millions of organization "things" and then I just end up with more "things" in my house that don't get used. My goal is to get rid of every single thing that does not have a specific purpose, so that the clutter is GONE. I have a hard time letting go of things that I MIGHT use some day, or things that were given to me by someone but I no longer use. Gotta get over that!
5. I want my business to grow! I've been working hard on growing my business, Boomershenanigans. This year I'd like to be able to say that not only was I working just as a hobby, but that I was able to contribute to my family's income and help lift a little of my husband's burden of providing for a family of 6.
Those are my goals for year 33. Update to come in one year. ;-)
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